Testing cropping, aspect ratio, image manipulation and annotationsIIIF logo

Landscape canvas w/ two image annotations

Current behaviour: the width of the IIIF-canvas is fit within the exhibition block. This causes overflow. Desired behaviour: all objects should remain visible and it should be possible to create a landscape arrangement in the manifest editor which fills the block.

Portrait canvas w/ two image annotations

Current behaviour: the width of the IIIF-canvas is fit within the exhibition block. This causes empty spaces at the top and bottom of the exhibition block. Desired behaviour: it should be possible to create a portrait arrangement in the manifest editor which fills the block.

Portrait canvas w/ two cropped image annotations

Current behaviour: same as left/previous; crops work well. Desired behaviour: same as left/previous.

Portrait image dragged onto new empty canvas

Current behaviour: the annotation is placed on the left of the exhibition block and the CanvasPanel-modal, the width of the IIIF-canvas is fit within the exhibition block. Desired behaviour: the image should be fit within the exhibition block w/ overflow (leaving no margin around the image) and shown in the centre of the CanvasPanel-modal (without overflow).

Portrait image dragged directly to bottom row

Current behaviour: the block is rendered correctly, but the quality of the thumbnail is poor. The width of 441px is blown up to 600px. Desired behaviour: correct image quality in the exhibition block.

Image dragged onto new empty canvas & cropped

Current behaviour: the image is rendered correctly but the quality is poor (430px stretched to 600px). When opening the CanvasPanel-modal, the crop is placed on the right (and zoomed?). Desired behaviour: correct image quality in the exhibition block, and centre placement of the image in the CanvasPanel-modal without overflow.

Image dragged directly to bottom row & cropped

Current behaviour: crop placed on top left of exhibition block and on the CanvasPanel-modal. Desired behaviour: image fit within exhibition block (with overflow) and fit within CanvasPanel-modal (without overflow).

Landscape image dragged onto new empty canvas

Current behaviour: exhibition block renders correctly (block is filled w/ overflow) but the image is blown up (394px to 600px). Image is shown on top of CanvasPanel-modal. Desired behaviour: correct image quality in exhibition block and image fit in CanvasPanel-modal (without overflow).

Landscape image dragged directly to bottom row

Current behaviour: width of image is fit within exhibition block. Shown correctly in CanvasPanel-modal. Desired behaviour: image fit within exhibition block w/ overflow. (Most desirable would be a behaviour-property to be able to allow overflow in the exhibition block or not.)

Image dragged onto new canvas, cropped and then rotated
Image dragged to bottom row, cropped and then rotated
Image dragged onto new canvas, grayscale applied
Dragged to bottom row, grayscale applied
Mixed-media canvas w/ annotations

New canvas, added single image, added annotations

Current behaviour: start tour button, then cycling annotations. Desired behaviour: skip 'start tour', start with first annotation

Image dragged to bottom row, added annotations

When adding annotations to an image dragged to the bottom row, they are rendered incorrectly within the CanvasPanel modal.

New canvas, added image, fit canvas to content, scaled image, added annotations

The same misplacement of annotations happens after applying 'fit canvas to content' and scaling up the image.

New canvas, added single image, fit canvas to content, added annotations

Left caption

Right caption

Summary text

Bottom caption

Summary text

Added mp4 vid to canvas
Added YouTube to canvas
Added Vimeo to canvas
Fit canvas to content
Fit canvas to content
Fit canvas to content